Aazhi International Journal of Tamil Literature Studies https://aijtls.com/index.php/aijtls Aazhi International Journal of Tamil Literature Studies (AIJTLS) is a Peer-Reviewed and Open Access Journal that considers scholarly, research-based articles on all aspects of Tamil literature and related fields. It is a tamil journal in the discipline of Tamil literature. Maayan Publications en-US Aazhi International Journal of Tamil Literature Studies Tree names in the Sangam literature as shown by the Tholkappiyam Ezhuthathikaaram https://aijtls.com/index.php/aijtls/article/view/26 <p>Tolkappiyam is a structured grammar for human life and linguistics for Tamil. To lay down a grammar for written and spoken language, porulathikaram lays down a grammar for humanlife. The rules for punarchi have been compiled out of the nine chapter of tholkappiyam ezhuthathikaaram writing, punariyal, thogaimarapu, uyir mayankiyal, pulli mayankiyal, kuttriya lukarap punariyal. Among these rules, Tolkappiyar also mentions the rules related to treenames there. This article is intended to highlight the methods of its arrival by matching the tree names mentioned in these rules to the Sangam literature.</p> Sankara Narayanan K Copyright (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2023-11-14 2023-11-14 1 5 Vernacular Tamil Dialect on Philosophy https://aijtls.com/index.php/aijtls/article/view/32 <p>Based on the literary, grammatical history and archeological remains it is proven that the Tamil language is more than two thousand years old. This article is based on the hypothesis that the people who lived long before the arrival of religious norms and foreign language philosophies, the beliefs they had about the field we call philosophy today, would have been recorded in such a way as to use language to convey them to others. It indicates that there are thoughts about what happened actually.</p> Vignesh S Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-01-08 2024-01-08 6 9